Doug Bloom + Justin Perelman—Mar 14-April 6
Greg St John—April 11-27
Jeff McCracken—May 2-18
Region 12 Student Art Show—May 22-31
Brooke Hirshhorn—June 6-29
Leonard Kady + Heather Nielsen—July 4-27
Chris Barnard + Jeff Joyce—Aug 1-24
Stacey Dillard—Aug 29-Sept 21
Frank Greco—Aug 29-Sept 21
Patricia Avellan—Oct 24-Nov 16
Greta Boestel—Nov 17-Dec 14
Joe Gittermam + Doug White—Dec 19-Jan 11
Special thanks to Bouyea & Associates, Inc. for their expertise in lighting our exhibits at The Judy Black Memorial Park and Gardens.